A simple chat on a map background running inside browser (plugin required).
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Java applet demo
(compiled with Sun J2SE 1.4.2)
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A basic Voronoi-based Overlay Network (VON) in formation, with dynamic area-of-interest (AOI) adjustments
NOTE: connection limit set to 0 is unlimited
click on the applet then press 'ENTER' to start... (other key controls)
Controls: (need to first click on the applet for key-press to be effective)
ENTER: pause/resume SPACE: next step left-click select node to view 'F': toggle "follow mode" 'E': toggle "Voronoi edges" 'O': restore viewport to origin 'A': toggle "AOI-radius" 'G': toggle "global nodes"
A simple multiuser chat based on VAST (does not yet support NAT-traversal). download
A very simple Win32 application to demo VAST's functionality. Run "VASTsim_gui.exe" to see.
world-size: 800x600 node-size: 50 AOI-radius: 150 velocity: 5 connection-limit: 0 steps: 1000
(Note: parameters can be edited in the file "vastsim.ini")
ENTER: begin simulation SPACE: toggle "step mode" left-click select node to view right-click show remote node's AOI 'F': toggle "follow mode" 'E': toggle "Voronoi edges" 'C': toggle "stop on inconsistency" 'O': restore viewport to origin 'W', 'S', 'A', 'D': move viewport 'Q': quit demo